The Davis Road

Davis Road is the story of a family in search of libertas – religious freedom- journeying from 15th century England, across the stormy Atlantic, into the heart of  anew American Awakening.

Davis Road is a Research Project underway. We seek contributions about Davis Road in Franklin, N.J. and the families that settled there.

The English Roots:

(an Excerpt from the Introduction to The Davis Road)

It was around the year 1627, the Thirty Years War was bloodying much of Europe and the Church of England was reforming and a headmaster at Earles-Colne School, one Thomas Shepard was vexing his Archbishop Laud. This is how it all began: the flight of a puritan flock to the new world in search of religious freedom.  The ship Defence set sail from England heading across the Atlantic in August of 1635, on it was the heart of Rev. Shepard’s flock including a puritan preaching Elder by the name of Edmund Frost.

Not far ahead is the First Congregational Church of Cambridge!

On Religious Freedom
EC Andercheck